Archivio mensile:aprile 2015

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Regatta Week Lenzerheide

che hai tutto il tempo per prepararti a questo evento unico. Thomy Blatter (non so se ha capito!) organizza da anni questa regata nel mese di Agosto. Luogo incantevole, tantissime regate e organizzazione svizzera…chetelodicoafare. Le classi ci sono tutte i partecipanti ogni anno sono sempre di più e anche quest’anno la molti skipper italiani saranno presenti. ti allego il link cosi non hai più scuse. auf wiedersehen

Geoff Smale

geoff smale

per non dimenticare…

Sea-Metric 64 (FRA) è stato gentile da inviarmi le foto del mondiale di Marsiglia 2007 dove ha chiesto simpaticamente a Geoff di “prendere/vincere” la coppa.


ho chiesto a chi ha avuto la fortuna di conoscere GS di scrivere un ricordo, un pensiero. questo è il testo integrale di Ian Vickers. non lo traduco per non perdere la passione con cui queste parole sono state scritte.

“Geoff was an absolute yachting enthusiast who loved the science and competition of yacht racing. I only knew him after I began sailing IOM back in 1995, but Geoff was a very well known NZ yachtsman who competed strongly in some international classes such as the Flying Dutchman and international 14 but unfortunately I can’t be sure off the top of my head his exact titles that he won, but I know that even back in those days, Geoff would build his own everything. Boats, masts, sails, and Im sure some of the fittings. He was even the 1st guy to come up with the 3 dimensional moulded sails and was very upset to loose a court case against North Sails who copied the concept and now calls it 3DL. “A patent is not worth the paper it is written on” is a line he used after telling us the story of that whole sager. He was clearly very emotional about what happened.
Geoff was a Marblehead fanatic when I 1st started in the IOM class, but once the 1997 IOM world championship was announce to be in Wellington, NZ, he soon had an IOM together which was formidable. His boats always looked pretty and the rig and sails were hard to match. He was constantly turning up at the pond with something new to try and Im sure by the end of his career he had tried everything that could possibly be thought of. For the 1997 worlds he used his wine glass shaped keel fin which had a very long cord at the hull and small cord at the bottom with generally lots of area. Try as I might, I just could not beat him back in that era and he finished the 1997 worlds a close 2nd to Craig Smith.
Geoffs enthusiasm for radio yachting is very much missed in our local fleet today and just this morning, Trevor and I were thinking about what his latest IOM would look like if he was still with us sailing today. He unfortunately missed out on the chine/tumblehome transition but I know he would have lapped up the new technology with great excitement.
So  sad to loose him at the grand age of 84 in an unfortunate crash of his aircraft. Flying was a new found passion of his that he wished he had discovered earlier in his life. His funeral was very well presented by our famous yachting commentator Peter Montgomery and was of course attended by many of our NZ yachtsmen including Russell Coutts. He will be missed.”

Internationale Iom Tricastin

samedi 4 avril 2015

Gâteaux de légumes à la provençale et son coulis de tomate
Cuisse de pintade à l’estragon
flan de courgette
Fondant aux chocolats

dimanche 5 avril 2015

Terrine de légumes aux basilics
mijoté de porc à la cardamone
riz pilaf
tarte citron

lundi 6 avril 2015

assortiment de charcuterie
(Caillette, pâté croûte, j-cru)
Suprême de poulet forestier
Polenta crémeuse

la cassa di Bandol è pronta.